Sunday, April 1, 2018

He is Risen!

This is a page from a Children's book I was commissioned to illustrate last year.  My niece was reference for the overhead angel and buddy Christopher was my reference for the angel who's moving the stone away.  It seemed the perfect thing to post for Easter.

Today I thought about how grateful I am to have a personal relationship with the Son of God, Maker of the World.  I am astonished that the One Who died and was raised from the dead, loves me.  He was victorious over death and is risen for all people, for all time.  The Good Shepherd walks with those who seek Him and love Him -- even to the end of the age.

How amazing to realize because the Lord conquered death itself, I know I will see my Beloved Alan, my two precious babies, our dear friend Dan, my Daddy, my younger brother Dow, Uncle Jody, Grandma and Grandpa, Sweet Geri and Mr. Earnest again...along with so many others who have gone on before me.

Happy Easter dear friends!

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